Dental Bonding

For brighter teeth, dental bonding is a cosmetic dental procedure that uses a tooth colour shinier to enhance the smile. This entire procedure usually occurs when teeth become yellowish, have gaps, or change the shape of their teeth. Get ready to smile more with our dental bonding enhancement treatment.

Dental Bonding

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    Benefits of Dental Bonding
    Dental bonding offers a plethora of benefits that make it a popular choice for smile enhancement: Quick and Painless: Dental bonding is usually completed in one visit and doesn't require anesthesia unless it's being used to fill a cavity. You can walk out of the dentist's office with a transformed smile in no time. Cosmetic Enhancement: Bonding can effectively repair chips, cracks, and gaps in your teeth. It can also cover up stubborn stains that don't respond well to teeth whitening treatments. Conservative Approach: Unlike some other cosmetic procedures, dental bonding preserves most of your natural tooth structure. It's a minimally invasive way to achieve significant improvements. Natural Appearance: The resin used in bonding is carefully color-matched to your teeth, resulting in a seamless and natural look. No one will be able to tell the difference! Affordability: Dental bonding is a budget-friendly option compared to more extensive cosmetic procedures like veneers or crowns.
    Is Dental Bonding Right for You?
    Dental bonding can be a fantastic option for many people, but it's important to consider a few factors: Extent of Enhancement: Dental bonding is ideal for minor cosmetic improvements. If you need major changes or structural repairs, your dentist might recommend other treatments. Maintenance: While the resin is durable, it's not as strong as your natural teeth. Avoid biting on hard objects like ice or pens, and be diligent with your oral hygiene routine to make your bonding last. Longevity: Dental bonding typically lasts several years, but it may require touch-ups or replacements over time.
    Caring for Your Bonded Smile
    Maintaining your newly bonded smile is a breeze: Brush and Floss: Keep up with your regular oral hygiene routine. Brush twice a day, floss daily, and rinse with mouthwash. Avoid Staining Agents: While the resin is resistant to stains, it's a good idea to limit consumption of staining foods and drinks like coffee, tea, and red wine. Regular Dental Visits: Schedule regular dental check-ups to ensure the health and longevity of your bonded teeth.

    Our Satisfied Patients

    I was suffering from gum problem from many days, one of my friends recommend me about Ayushman Dental Clinic and Dr. Dipika cure my gums problem, now I can eat anything. A big thank you Ayushman team, keep it up.

    Anshul Sharma

    Great work done by Dr. Dipika she is an amazing doctor and her medical team is quite professional. Thank you for outstanding work. I will definitely recommend it to others.

    Anamika Saxena

    Amazing experience with the team of Ayushman Dental Clinic, they all are professional, hygienic and work in a fast mode. Thank you Ayushman. All the best.

    Harshit Gujral